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A collection of articles about food, cooking, and home DIY projects. If you'd prefer to browse by category, use the links in the menu above.

  1. Thumbnail for DIY Weed Killer

    DIY Weed Killer

    This homemade weed killer works great without needing a ton of toxic chemicals. For best results, avoid applying the weed killer when you see rain on the forecast 1-2 days after the application.
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky
  2. Thumbnail for Pantry Essentials to Inflation-Proof your Pantry

    Pantry Essentials to Inflation-Proof your Pantry

    Keeping a stocked pantry is one of my passions! For me, food in our pantry and freezer is Food Insurance! And buying in bulk keeps you ahead of increasing prices due to inflation.
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky
  3. Thumbnail for Canning Prep List

    Canning Prep List

    Canning Lids These can be hard to find or get at an affordable price, especially during the summer. My personal goal is to always be 1-2 years ahead on canning lids because of that 2020/2021 shortage where so many stores were sold out or overpricing them. I finally found For Jars and they are cheaper per lid than what you can buy right now at Walmart or Kroger (and better quality!). Use Code ACREHOME10 for an extra 10% off at For Jars.
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky
  4. Thumbnail for Tallow Calendula Salve

    Tallow Calendula Salve

    Calendula is known for being antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and astringent. I use this salve to soothe small cuts and abrasions. I also suffer from eczema on my hands and it has helped soothed it over the years.
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky
  5. Thumbnail for Calendula Infused Oil

    Calendula Infused Oil

    Calendula is known for being antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and astringent. It is perfect to make so many homemade beatify products: salves, lotions, soaps.
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky
  6. Thumbnail for Non-Toxic All-Purpose Cleaner

    Non-Toxic All-Purpose Cleaner

    If you are looking for a zero waste all-purpose, non-toxic, affordable cleaner
    Avatar for Becky
    By Becky