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Rhubarb Jam
Cook Time: 10 mins

- 6 cups rhubarb, finely chopped
- 1⁄2 cup water
- 4 cups sugar, with 1/4 cup of the sugar removed into a separate bowl
- 1 butter
- 1⁄2 teaspoon non-iodized salt
- 1 low sugar, Sure-Jell Pectin
- Take the 1/4 cup sugar bowl and mix in the full box of Sure-Jell pectin
- Add chopped rhubarb, water, salt, butter, and sugar/pectin mixture into a heavy bottom dutch oven over medium heat
- Cook until rhubarb come to roiling boil, if you stir the mixer the berries should still boil
- Add remain 3-3/4 sugar and cook until mixture comes back to a roiling boil and once it reaches that cook for exactly 1 min
- Remove from heat and spoon of foam and discard
- Ladle jam into clean canning jars with 1/4 inch headspace
- Wipe down the rim of each jar
- Place a new canning lid and screw on a ring
- Place in a water bath canner and boil for 10 min
- Turn heat off and let jars cool in water bath canner for 5 minutes
- Remove jars from the canner and set them on a clean kitchen towel for 24 hours
- Once cool, remove rings, wipe down jars, and put in the pantry!